Sunday, August 4, 2013

Welcome to the Bark Forum BLOG! Our Information BLOG linked to our forum focuses on sustainability, resisting corporate greed and control, solving problems with peaceful dialogue, sharing of ideas and making responsible personal choices. One cannot blame the government or politicians for all our problems, WE are the consumers and our buying power is a huge vehicle for change! The government is not twisting your arm and forcing you to bank at Bank of America, buy gas from BP / Exxon-Mobil, toxic Chinese goods, or purchase GMO foods. Boycotting is patriotic and it is YOUR RIGHT not to buy unsustainable goods that contribute to the demise of the planet, your freedom and our jobs!

Bark Forum is NOT any of the following: Liberal, Conservative, Socialist, anti gov't, subversive, radical, revolutionary, gov't conspiracy, or for One World Order. We do support independence, small government, sustainable business, the rights of the individual (but not at the expense of environment), and working as a society to better our world. Our posts bring attention to serious problems and offer real world solutions! If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, think George Bush did a good job, believe the solution is storing guns and food in a bunker, or take the attitude that it's "every man for himself" this is probably not the forum for you. If you believe in personal and corporate responsibility and working in community with others without the government forcing it on you - read on....

Take Responsibility for YOUR actions - Stop Blaming "Others" for all of our problems. No one is forcing you to continue your addictions to buying "stuff", throwing recyclables in the trash, or living unsustainably. Don't allow corporations and their slick marketing to control you!

Allowing a political party to choose YOUR stance on issues is being controlled! There is no reason an independent, free thinking American cannot be an environmentalist and for social progress, yet also benefit from constitutional freedom and small government. Since when has capitalism meant big corporations monopolizing and controlling what we say, what we buy, and what we do? Capitalism should mean many successful small and medium size successful businesses all working together in networks for the good of the community and local economy. "Socialism" comes naturally when communities of hard working people join together for the good of all without government intervention. In the 1950's the farming communities were capitalist minded when doing business, but naturally social when working together in community. Government had little interference in the daily lives of the rural American. In rural areas and small sustainable cities, like minded people can still make this simple system work and it is all up to US to make it happen! Steer clear of dangerous militia group mentality and form peaceful agrarian communities based on the buy local model and make America strong again.

Boycott Chinese Made Goods, GMO foods, KFC, Proctor and Gamble, BP, Amoco, Arco, Exxon-Mobil, Chevron/Texaco, Bank of America, Citi & all Corporate Greed

Make the choice: Live simply, buy locally, live in community, live sustainably and above all.... Boycott the big corporations that pollute the environment, mismanage public funds, and ruin our communities with big box stores. We need a STEADY sustainable economy based on many small businesses ALL doing well rather than a few multi-national corporate monopolies controlling everything. Does Boycotting and minimalism slow down the economy? You bet! Better to have slow, steady and lasting economy than unbridled growth, destructive practices and finally collapse. A capitalist/social economy based on local the American business model is a STRONG one. Economic collapse would be a surreal nightmare for all of us! We have to invest in our neighbors rather than greedy mega-corporations that divert our hard earned money to China and CEO's pockets. America is a great country and a great place to live. These greedy businesses that have caused our current nightmare are driven by YOU the consumer! Change that in an instant by shifting your spending to small local American banks and businesses that keep jobs/money in YOUR community!

There is no doubt that we are in big trouble due to economic, environmental, and other factors. Conspiracy theorist apocalypse? Probably not.... Self-fulfilling prophecy caused by our own stupid actions? Most likely! We are creating the perfect storm due to overpopulation, total environmental destruction, food shortages and political unrest leading to wars. Don't buy into this destructive lifestyle. Take positive action now! Complaining about how "they" are ruining everything serves no purpose. Huge disasters both man made and natural are on the rise. Survival is a basic human instinct, and there are many videos that will show you how to survive a disaster, economic collapse, or long emergency. So called "FEMA Camps" are for those who act like animals - let's not let things get to that point!

If you are not happy with our direction, contribute and make positive changes one small act at a time! There is no doubt really hard times are coming, but if you think you can fight off this group or that from your bunker you are sadly mistaken! The goal should be to find like minded people/communities to avoid trouble and live away from epicenters of population. This forum is not limited to the United States. We all need to promote sustainability and TRUE independence worldwide. We need to teach developing countries that greed, consumerism, excess industrialization, and corporate monopoly is not best for humanity or the health of the planet. Greed and excess cause most of the worldwide unrest - don't be a part of it and help to educate others.

 How can you fight these injustices and evils? This is what you can do - and our many blogs show you how:

1) Boycott, simplify & minimize! Don't buy unsustainable products from big corporations like Walmart. Shop at mom and pops, buy nothing with a "Made in China" label, and check out thrift stores or on-line for American made products.
Consume less - MUCH less!

If a state is oppressive and unsustainable move to one that is not. Start a business & contribute to the local economy. Associate with like minded people. Support only LOCAL business, banks and credit unions.  

Write your representative to complain (politely) if you don't like a law, and vote for independent or 3rd party candidates that fight the status quo.

Reduce, Reuse, Re-purpose and Recycle everything you can! Pick up recyclables when you see them laying outside on the ground and bring them to a recycling bin no matter how inconvenient. Encourage your community to start a recycling program if one is not in place.

5) Cut back on your carbon footprint. Walk, bike, rideshare, & take mass transit whenever possible

6) Stop the division! We are all humans on one planet that has a sealed environment. When we think of others based on religion, race or color we are dividing humanity. Corporations use politicians/media to divide us and then start wars so they can plunder resources. Consumerism drives the need for Lithium from Afganistan and oil from the Middle East. Don't be a part of it! Minimlize...